Evelyn Searle Hess
Evelyn Searle Hess lives in the foothills of southern Oregon’s Coast Range. At various times a teacher, greenhouse manager, gardener, garden designer, and a native-plant nursery owner, along with being a mother, grandmother, and now great grandmother, she currently weeds, writes, and tries to put up her garden produce before the critters get it. In spare moments she helps husband David with their life project, building a house. Hess’s previous book To the Woods (OSU Press, 2010), won the 2011 WILLA Literary Award for Best Creative Nonfiction.

Books by this Author

Building a Better Nest
For fifteen years, Evelyn Hess and her husband David lived in a tent and trailer, without electricity or running water, on twenty acres of wild...

To the Woods
2011 WILLA Award in Creative Nonfiction To the Woods is a tale of adventure, inspiration, and living life in concert with nature. It is the...