George Venn
Poet, writer, literary historian, editor, linguist, and educator, George Venn (1943) is an eclectic, complex, and distinguished figure in western American literature. As one university press editor described him, "Venn’s blend of creativity and scholarship is unique...." Venn enhanced that description in the 2005 Contemporary Authors: "Politics: Independent. Religion: Ecumenist; mystic; no literalistic ethnocentric orthodoxy; everything universal." His distinguished and eclectic literary practice is best affirmed by Marking The Magic Circle (1987), a collection of fiction, poetry, essays, translations, and Jan Boles photographs. In 1988, this book won a silver medal from Literary Arts; in 2005, the same book was selected by the Oregon Cultural Heritage Commission as one of the 100 best Oregon books in the two centuries.
George Venn is the General Editor of Oregon State University Press' Oregon Literature Series
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Books by this Author

Marking the Magic Circle
Award: Silver Medal and Special Award for Oregon Literature, Literary Arts, 1988 Award: 100 Best Oregon Books (1800-2000), Oregon Cultural Heritage Commission, 2005 George Venn...