Thomas R. Cox
THOMAS R. COX grew up in Eastern Oregon where he fought forest fires, served as a sawmill worker, and coached high school football. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Oregon State University and his PhD in history from the University of Oregon. He spent most of his academic career at San Diego State University. Cox has published widely in the fields of environmental, social, and economic history. He was a pioneer member of the American Society of Environmental History, a past-president of the Forest History Society, and a Fulbright Professor in Japan. He lives outside of McCammon, Idaho.

Books by this Author

The Other Oregon
The Other Oregon: People, Environment, and History East of the Cascades is a multidisciplinary work that ranges widely through a diverse and often under-appreciated land...

The Lumberman's Frontier
With The Lumberman’s Frontier, Thomas Cox has reconstructed a groundbreaking history that stands apart from all previous studies of American forests. Forests were ubiquitous in...